
Well, another month has gone by and the kids have again done well.
I try to make it as hard as possible without being a shit but my kids are very smart the boys and the girls lowest score was 89% which is not bad for beginners, don't you think!

Teaching their mothers now also but they don't get given exams, well truth is they do but it verbal by me, I think its more friendly that way I was giving spelling test, but I stopped for awhile and I'm thinking of starting it up again but just a little different, you know thirty words but spell only 15 random selected words.

Not much to say today, will come back later.

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You want to know more abot me????

I'm teacher Richard and I'm only that because thats what they call me; its that first name last last name first thingie you know Asian way.
I've been teaching for almost 25 years now, crap I'm getting old! Oh Well it was bound to happen!
"You know what I don't feel old" Well truth is I'm only 48 years old minus the 25 years teaching that makes it 23 when I started, that would be about right. I started in Australia teaching those Chinese that came there to live you know down the back of Sydney, they call it ChinaTown now.

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Just rambling

This will be the first entry!

I am now teaching Korean Kids english, I find them very interesting because they, one are very brand loyal to Korean brands and two, they stick together which in some cases not a good thing but in most ways this is a good thing.

I love these kids, I've only been teaching them for a short while i.e. 1 and a 1/2 years and before that the chinese in China; which is another story.

The Korean girls and boys were so friendly, I was just starting when one girl (no names please) befriended me, making me feel at home at the training centre. I started teaching there, with several other teachers; one being my favorite Ms Angel great lady not married I think, young looking very friendly with an mostly open mind. Anyway back to my kids; I started with holiday classes and slowly after awhile moved in to main stream English classes.
Short story the kids are just the same everywhere. (mostly anyway) They hate to study most do anyway, and they love to play with their phones or MP4 players{remember these children are Korean kids}